How to survive an in class stomach growl.
We have all experienced the thunderous crash of an in class stomach growl. When everything is quiet and your body decides that now is the time to unleash the horror of your hidden hunger. The class stares at you, your face begins to redden. You slink backwards Into your chair, making sure not to make eye contact with a single soul.
How do we survive this.
Here's how.
Step one. When you rouse from your nightly slumber and your apply your garments. Take a moment to feast on say I don't know a pop tart or an orange. Any sustenance will do for this step.
Step two. Make sure to place several things in you pocket / school bag. First you will need a pack of gum. Next a granola bar or small snack.
Step three. When in class you begin to feel hungry. Take out a piece of gum. If it is a flavored gum smell it then after a few moments place it in your mouth. Simulating that you have eaten something. If it is regular mint gum this will possibly make you hungrier. So if you still feel hungry take a small bite of the snack you brought.
Step four. If your stomach still decides that it truly hates you then you will need a slightly different approach. When the class turns to look at you either stare at your desk or look around the room as if trying to pinpoint the location of the noise.
Step five. Yay congratulations you have survived a day without minimal embarrassment. The world can now view you as a person that doesn't get hungry. Good for you \(-_-)/.
And that is how you survive an in class stomach growl.
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